As our lifestyle has changed with the new millennium, a
new etiquette also has emerged out of necessity. The world
is a drastically different place than it was in the days of
Emily Post, and as such, the rules of wedding etiquette have
gradually become modified to conform to common sense in the
world in which we now live.
Etiquette is still very much alive; it's just a little
different than it was a century ago. In this fast paced
world where people are often self absorbed, abrupt,
inconsiderate, or downright rude, etiquette remains a
necessity to ensure that our social skills do not fall too
far out of hand. Traditionally, the bride's family deals
with the wedding invitations, therefore all invitations
should come from the home of the bride. Of course,
circumstances vary, such as the bride and groom hosting
their own wedding, or the wedding provided by the groom's
family, which is where the wording will change on your
The overall attitude towards wedding etiquette that I
pass along to my clients is this:
Your wedding day is your wedding day and the bottom line
is that you have a right to be happy and to have things your
way, this one day out of your life. BUT, you must remain
gracious, kind and hospitable at the same time. (This matter
becomes clouded if there are other individuals involved in
paying for expenses, in which case you must work to
accommodate their wishes as much as possible.)
However, while you should work at realizing that
objective, this cannot be done at any cost. When you reach
the point where you run the risk of offending your guests,
wedding party, or loved ones, or operating amidst an air of
self-centeredness, it is time to take an extremely close
look at your decisions and actions.
Cultural backgrounds and individual convictions heavily
influence the decision-making in Wedding Etiquette.
Nevertheless, the following information should be used as a
general guide, and adapted to fit your situation.
Click below for additional information on the proper
wedding etiquette for invitations, addressing the envelopes,
announcements, enclosures, and thank you notes.
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